Mary Butler, PhD, MBA
Associate Professor, Division of Health Policy & Management
Co-Director, Minnesota Evidence-based Practice Center, School of Public Health
Graduate Faculty, Center on Aging, Gerontology Minor, School of Public Health
PhD, Health Services Research, Policy and Administration, University of Minnesota, 2007
MBA, Investment Finance, University of Minnesota, 1991
BS, Economics/Finance/Computer Science, University of Minnesota, 1987
NECSI Certificate: Complex Systems Modeling and Networks, Jan. 2013
NECSI Certificate: Complex Physical, Biological, and Social Systems, June 2012
I study scientific evidence standards, research design and systematic review methodology, evidence-informed health care, and complex patients and complex interventions. As Co-Director of the Minnesota Evidence-based Practice Center, I oversee AHRQ review programs on a wide range of topics, specializing in complex patients and complex interventions.
Prior to joining SPH, I worked as an investment professional for a financial services firm. I managed a $45 million portfolio, managed multiple teams to meet financial and investment objectives, and created portfolio benchmarks to track performance
Health services research, evidence-based practice, health behaviors in alternative health.
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