Tetyana Shippee
Office Address:
D371 Mayo
Mailing Address:

420 Delaware St SE
MMC 729 Mayo
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Tetyana Shippee, PhD

Professor, Division of Health Policy & Management


Associate Director for Research, Center for Healthy Aging and Innovation
Co-Director, Clinical and Translational Science Institute KL2 Scholars Career Development Program
Member, Minnesota Population Center and Life Course Center


PhD, Sociology and Gerontology, Purdue University
MS, Sociology, Purdue University
BA, Sociology, Lee University
JD, Civil Law, Precarpathian National University


Many factors determine how we age and our quality of life as we age. And as our population gets older and older, long-term care services and support will become even more important. As a social gerontologist, my work focuses on what really matters to people as they age, such as improving the quality of life for older adults receiving long-term services and supports (e.g., social engagement, meal enjoyment) and addressing health disparities over the life course. A growing portion of my work aims to improve long-term care for persons with cognitive impairment, including those living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. In this work, my primary focus is on measuring and improving their quality of life and addressing disparities in care.

I apply mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative approaches to survey and administrative data and intervention design. I also have extensive experience with multilevel modeling and complex data structures. My work is policy-focused and aims to improve care for vulnerable older adults via research and policy. I collaborate closely with the Minnesota Department of Human Services and various stakeholders, including providers and community organizations. My community-engaged work has been recognized with the University of Minnesota President’s Community Engaged Scholar Award for the School of Public Health.


Aging, equity, quality of life, long-term services and supports, racial/ethnic disparities, cumulative inequality, sexual and gender minority care, Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD); person-centered measures; Medicaid; mixed methods.

Awards and Recognition

  • Diversity and Justice Working Group, Gerontological Society of America, 2020
  • Elected to Board of Directors, Gerontological Society of America, 2019
  • President’s Community-Engaged Scholar Award for School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, 2017
  • Senior Service America Senior Scholar Award for Research Related to Disadvantaged Older Adults, 2015
  • Elected Fellow, Gerontological Society of America, 2015

Professional Associations

  • Center for Healthy Aging and Innovation (CHAI)
  • Life Course Center
  • MN Population Center
  • Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute
  • MN Gerontological Association
  • Gerontological Association of America (Fellow)

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