Susan Mason
Office Address:
300 West Bank Office Building
Mailing Address:

1300 S 2nd St
Room 300 West Bank Office Building
Minneapolis, MN 55454

Susan Marshall Mason, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor, Division of Epidemiology & Community Health


Member, Healthy Weight Research Center


PhD, Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010
MPH, Maternal & Child Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2004
BA, Womens Studies, College of William and Mary, 2000
BS, Chemistry, College of William and Mary, 2000


As a social epidemiologist, my research focuses on the population health impacts of adverse and traumatic experiences, including childhood abuse and neglect, sexual violence, racial segregation, and other forms of violence and social marginalization. These adverse and traumatic experiences are highly prevalent and have impacts on numerous health outcomes of major public health importance. The overarching goal of my work is to advance the evidence base for clinical practice and public health action to prevent these adversities and their negative health impacts.


Social determinants of health, maternal and child health, adverse childhood experiences, child maltreatment, psychosocial stress, weight-related health, reproductive health, health inequalities, epidemiologic methods.

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