John Finnegan
Mailing Address:

420 Delaware St SE
MMC 197 Mayo
Minneapolis, MN 55455

John R. Finnegan, PhD

Professor and Dean Emeritus, School of Public Health


Member, Lillehei Heart Institute
Member, Masonic Cancer Center (MCC)


PhD, Mass Communication, University of Minnesota, 1985
MA, Mass Communication, University of Minnesota, 1978
BA, English, College of St. Thomas, 1972


My connection with the School of Public Health began in 1980, when I joined the Minnesota Heart Health Program as a student research assistant. Public health was not part of my career plans but my experience with this innovative community health promotion campaign changed that quickly. I found terrific colleagues of diverse disciplines with passion for important research and education for the people’s health. My skill set in communication campaigns fit right in. This was home.

Every day, we strive to improve the school’s environment for the best discovery, learning, and community engagement we can achieve for the public’s health. We value our role supporting an educated citizenry and in transforming discovery that benefits people here at home and around the world. Although I retired in February 2022, I remain active on behalf of public health. One doesn't retire from one's values. Many thanks to my faculty and staff colleagues for giving me the opportunity to lead, and to all our students whose success makes it all worthwhile! JRF


Media, communication, and community health promotion; social and behavioral interventions; social marketing

Awards and Recognition

  • The Albert Justus Chesley Award for Distinguished Service in the Field of Public Health in the State of Minnesota, Minnesota Public Health Association, 2012
  • Distinguished Career Award, Public Health Education and Health Promotion, American Public Health Association, 2007
  • Delta Omega, Pi Chapter, Honorary Scholarly Society in Public Heatlh

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